The switches used in the labs are Cisco Catalyst 2960+ with Cisco IOS Release 1 5.2(7) (lanbasek9 image). Note : The router s used with hands-on lab s are Cisco 4221 with Cisco IOS XE Release 1 6.9.6 (universalk9 image). ASDM provides an intuitive, GUI-based tool for configuring the ASA. In Part 3, you will configure additional settings, test connectivity, and configure Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) access.

In Part 2, you will explore two ways to configure basic ASA settings. In Part 1 of this lab, you will configure the topology and non-ASA devices. This lab uses the ASA CLI, which is similar to the IOS CLI, to configure basic device and security settings. Other devices will receive minimal configuration to support the ASA portion of this lab. The focus of this lab is to configure the ASA as a basic firewall. Inside users can access the DMZ and outside resources. It provides outside users limited access to the DMZ and no access to inside resources.

The ASA creates three security interfaces: OUTSIDE, INSIDE, and DMZ. This lab employs an ASA 550 6-X to create a firewall and protect an internal corporate network from external intruders while allowing internal hosts access to the Internet. The Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) is an advanced network security device that integrates a stateful firewall, VPN, and FirePOWER services. Part 3: Configur e Basic ASA Settings and Interface Security Levels Background / Scenario Part 2: Access the ASA Console and Us e CLI Setup Mode to Configure Basic Settings Blank Line – no additional information Objectives